Across Africa, churches are led by men and women of God with different circumstances and needs. While the daily motions of Ministry and service may become mundane and appear monotonous, Ministries still reach out to millions of lives. As such, it is hoped that a visit by a 'sent' apostolic team will bring revival, edification and inspire the saints and the leader of the house.
Simultaneously, the team gets the opportunity to serve in a different ministry, experiencing the diversity and richness that comes with the different backgrounds of people in the universal body of Christ. This is an opportunity for practical service and to learn from the saints one will be serving.



The primary qualification to be part of the apostolic team is that one must be born again, baptised and in good standing with his or her church. Any Christian from any denomination is legible to participate. However, a rigorous selection process will be followed and candidates must be recommended by their Pastors. Placement of Saints will be with churches that have been proven to have sound doctrine and preach Christ crucified and arisen. Their churches do not necessarily have to be affiliated to African Eagles.
A school of Ministry will be established to train ‘eaglets’ in Ministry for six months before they are sent into missions. The key purpose of the training is to ensure that they all grasp and understand fundamental Christian and acceptable doctrine. Furthermore, it is for them to understand what servant hood in Christ means. While in training, they work and interact in groups so by the time they leave, they are equipped in basics such as relating with others, sharing the gospel with non-believers and witnessing
The “Brother help a brother” initiative is aimed at helping to build the capacity of churches through the continent. When we touch a Pastor, a Bishop or an Apostle, we touch each individual in his or her flock through them. When we touch an individual, we touch a household and when we touch a household, we touch a community. This is a platform for churches to reach out to one another. African Eagles has an open door to those that want to come under the covering of a covenant relationship. A ministry that seeks to release those whom God has called by providing them encouragement, training, so that they do not feel burnt out or give up on what God has called them for.