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Throughout Africa God has raised outstanding Generals whose wisdom and insight we cannot afford to ignore. We have come to regard these men and women as the African Eagles of the gospel, matured in His word and ways.

The qualities of leadership they possess have become a beacon from which the apostolic people of contemporary Africa may learn and draw strategies to forge forward. We cannot edify each other outside of interaction. Hence the initiatives of African Eagles are based on creating a platform for relationship and interaction which will provide information, leadership training and Evangelical strategies for the harvest of souls. We intend to engage key people in different African nations that are known to have been the 'fire starters' and 'revivalists' in the years gone by. We will use the material of those who have gone to Glory and those who are still with us. As such African Eagles will have representation in all 52 nations in Africa.



The African Eagles Network seeks to contribute towards capacity building in churches on the continent. To achieve this, the Network will facilitate projects that may run concurrently and these projects are not mutually exclusive. The School of Ministry that is designed to train short term ministers who will go voluntarily to assist other churches where need be. They will be attached to a local church for a year.

Brother reaching out to Brother initiative, can be viewed as brother reaching out to brother such as was the case as when David was sent by his father, Jesse to his brothers in the war zone who were fighting the enemies of God. He went with some provision to give them comfort and some encouragement. We have a common enemy. We have one God, one spirit and one faith. The church is not a competition but the army of God. It is time we gather our resources for refreshing those that are in the fore-front of chasing the Devil out of Africa. through which seasoned leaders impart on other churches through ministry, training and resource mobilisation



African Eagles will have Leadership Training programs through annual Leadership Conventions. These are annual conventions that will be held in different countries to empower leaders to go back to their churches and pursue their calling. The body of Christ in Africa is faced with various challenges such as the lack of trained ministers who can provide sound Biblical doctrines for the furtherance of the church. Even this was the cry of Paul when he said '…study to show yourself approved…'


PO BOX 1805 Port Elizabeth 6000 RSA

40A Green Street, North End


Admin: 065 849 7010

Assistant: 061 455 3248

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